Environmental Guidelines

Environmental Guidelines

The rezoning approval for residential and commercial development on the Milnerton Racecourse property had strict environmental conditions for both the developers and contractors during the development phase, and for owners and residents living in Royal Ascot. It is the responsibility of the trustees of RAMPOA and the trustees of all precincts to ensure that residents and owners comply with these requirements. However residents also have a responsibility to comply – these are legal requirements, most of which are included in the appendices to the “Offer to Purchase” document signed by persons who bought or are buying property in Royal Ascot. It is incumbent on owners to make tenants aware of these environmental conditions.

Environmental Checklist
The completion of the Environmental Checklsit is a legal requirement for all precincts in Royal Ascot. One of the conditions of approval for the development of Royal Ascot was that each precinct must report annually on their compliance with the Operational Environmental Management Plan. The checklist makes this reporting easier and should not take much of your time.
While the checklist is a legal requirement, the intention is not penalise precincts who indicate non-compliance with some of the requirements. An important objective is to make trustees of precincts aware of the environmental requirements, and, if necessary, support trustees with expert advice.
» Click here to open checklist.
Environmental Do’s & Don’ts
To make it easier for residents, an Environmental Do’s and Don’ts Guide have been issued. This is updated regularly and should be distributed to all residents (including tenants). The document can be downloaded from this website.
Recommended Plant List
The Do’s and Don’ts Guide also contains a plant list of recommended waterwise trees, shrubs and groundcovers and grasses that will grow well in local conditions.
Environmental Do’s & Don’ts for Maintenance & Renovations
An Environment Do’s & Don’ts for Maintenance and Renovations has now also been issued. This is specifically for the home renovator and for contractors employed to work on homes and buildings in Royal Ascot.
Royal Ascot Architectural Guidelines
Before development started in Royal Ascot architectural guidelines were issued by the City Council, these are mainly important for developers and contractors, but must also be complied with when altering or extending homes and existing buildings.