Environmental Management Committee





documents and reports




Environmental Management Committee

The Royal Ascot Environmental Management Committee was established as one of the conditions of the original subdivision and rezoning approval of the racecourse property (originally erf 25939) for residential and commercial use. The conditions of rezoning as approved by the Western Cape Government and the City of Cape Town required compliance with various stipulations designed to prevent harm to the environment – these are described in Operational Environmental Management Plan.
The Operational Environmental Management Plan (OEMP) for Royal Ascot is an important document – click here for more information and to view the OEMP.
The Environmental Management Plans applied to the developers and contractors during the development phase of Royal Ascot, but also applies to the residential and commercial precincts in Royal Ascot. Home owners, residents, and commercial operators thus have to comply with certain environmental requirements as set out in the plan.
The Environmental Management Committee (EMC) is constituted in terms of the approval for rezoning according to sections 21, 22 & 26 of the Environmental Conservation Act (Act 73 of 1989) and sections 16(1)(b) (read with section 42(1) of the Land Use Planning Ordinance No 15 of 1985. The EMC has a constitution and, although funded by RAMPOA, operates as a separate legal entity.
The EMC has to ensure compliance with the stipulations of the Environmental Management Plans, in addition to that it is also responsible for the management of the Milnerton Racecourse Nature Reserve – click here for more information about the MRNR.

Functions of EMC

The primary functions of the EMC are:

• To ensure the effective environmental management at Royal Ascot and the conservation area by ensuring the implementation of the Environmental Management Plans (EMP) and Environmental Management System (EMS) and commissioning independent reviews of compliance with the EMPs/EMS.
• To review and approve proposed changes to the EMS and EMP documents and to recommend changes to environmental strategies where applicable on site.
• To approve the appointment by each precinct owner of the Environmental Site Manager (ESM) for each precinct, with the City of Cape Town giving final approval of the ESM.
• To appoint an Environmental Conservation Manager (ECM) to oversee the implementation of the EMP and EMS for the Conservation Area.
• To liaise with and assist the ESM/ECM, owners, bodies corporate, property owners associations and managing authorities of all precincts on issues of environmental management.
• To approve all method statements or alternatively to appoint a subcommittee to approve all method statements.
• To receive regular reports of environmental management on site from the ESM during the construction phase, and ECM during the operational phase.
• To assess, at agreed intervals, owner’s compliance with the EMP and to provide input on associated matters, when required through evaluation of the independent review report.
• To record fines which may be issued in terms of the EMP/EMS and to allocate these fines to specific projects at the committee’s discretion.
• To ensure that regular review of the EMPs/EMS are carried out and forward the results of the environmental audits or reviews to the City of Cape Town.
• To ensure the implementation of the audit and subsequent review recommendations, where applicable.
• To act within the parameters outlined in the conditions of rezoning and the Provincial Government’s authorization.
• To ensure and manage the funding of the management of Royal Ascot and the conservation area according to an annual budget.
• To take action and steps against non–compliance in respect of the EMPs/EMS.
• To raise awareness of environmental issues and the profile of the EMC in the braoder Royal Ascot community.

Members of EMC

The EMC consists of representatives of the following organisations:

• City of Cape Town
• Friends of Rietvlei
• Royal Ascot Master Property Owners Association (RAMPOA)
• Milnerton Ridge Residents Association
• Cape Bird Club
• Kenilworth Racing
• Environmental Site Managers / Environmental Conservation Managers


In terms of the original approval for the development of Royal Ascot, RAMPOA must in its budget provide funds for the effective functioning of the EMC including the management of the Milnerton Conservation Area.
To assist with environmental compliance, the EMC also has a representative on RAMPOA.
» Click here to open the EMC constitution.