Residential Precincts

Residential Precinct

Royal Ascot has 20 residential precincts situated on Grand National Boulevard and Parade Ring Road. Some has single residential only, others have both single residential and sectional title, and there are precincts with only sectional title units. Royal Ascot map
Click on the map on the right to open a larger map, or click here to view the map on the Royal Ascot page.
More information about each of the precincts are available on separate pages, this can be viewed by clicking on the relevant links below.
Click on the precinct name to go to the information page for each precinct – the information available for each precinct is indicated in the relevant columns.
PLEASE NOTE THAT CHAIRPERSONS AND TRUSTEES DO NOT HAVE INFORMATION ABOUT INDIVIDUAL RESIDENTS. Managing Agents have contact details for owners of properties only, and not of tenants.

Residential Precincts

  Precinct   Chairperson General Info Man. Agent Contact Details Constitution /Articles of Association Conduct Rules
Arena North Emile Mouton √ √ √ √
Ascot Grove Jandre Stoltz √ √ √
Ascot Knights Terry Pringle √ √ √ √
Ascot Mews Philippa Byron √ √ √
Ascot Terraces D. Saridakis √ √
Ascot Village Lynette Smit √ √ √
Birkdale Village Tony Maneveld √ √ √ √
Cheltenham Ridge Ryan McCormick √ √ √ √
Chestnut Ridge Antoinette Farrar √ √ √ √
Coral Grove Lawrence Resnick √ √ √ √
Deauville Leon Botha √ √ √ √
Galahad Estate John Markland √ √ √ √
Knights Ridge Joey Jauch √ √
La Camargue Sarah Asher √ √ √
Nottingham Square Stean Snyman √ √
Sandown Crescent Mike Carbutt √ √
The Met Linda Ellis √ √
The Stable Yard Tony Heath √ √ √ √
Warwick Place M Paterson √ √
Willowridge Steven Shear √ √ √ √
Please note that we do not have information about purchases or rentals – click here for more details.